DREAMS Innovation Challenge

DREAMS Innovation Challenge

DREAMS is an ambitious $385 million partnership to achieve a 40% reduction in new HIV/AIDS infections

among adolescent girls and young women in the Southern and Eastern Africa. DREAMS is led by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Girl Effect, Johnson & Johnson, Gilead Sciences, and ViiV Healthcare.

To help achieve this ambitious goal, DREAMS launched a global innovation challenge to source and invest $85 million in breakthrough solutions to reduce new HIV/AIDS infections among young women and girls in the region.

Project Highlights:

  • Exceeded PEPFAR’s target number of applications by 50%

  • Attracted more than 800 ideas and awarded 56 innovators from around the world

I led the marketing and outreach campaign for the global challenge to engage participants and attract ideas from makers and innovators around the world.

I worked with public affairs leaders from the U.S. Department of State public and DREAMs commercial partners to define the challenge communications goals, target audiences, and themes. I designed the challenge website, application in-take platform, and evaluation process. I developed and executed the marketing strategy, including developing content for social media, print, public relations, advertising, live events, and influencer outreach.


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